How local authorities can become climate-friendly

Last edited 20 September 2016 at 1:24pm

EfficienCity: a climate-friendly town

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EfficienCity: a climate-friendly town

EfficienCity is a virtual, climate-friendly town designed to inform individuals, businesses and local authorities about community energy schemes, combined heat and power, renewable technologies and efficiency measures - and how these can be implemented in real world towns.

While central government dithers, wasting time and resources, it's become blindingly clear that pioneering local authorities have to play a central role in lowering greenhouse gas emissions, ensuring energy security and reducing energy bills to tackle fuel poverty. Local authorities can and are transforming the UK's energy system. In Manchester, Eastleigh, Southampton, Woking and Birmingham, exciting schemes are already in place.

We want all local authorities to do the same. You can cut your costs (Birmingham pays five per cent less than market price on its energy for customers on the scheme - and they get a share of the profits), reduce carbon dioxide emissions and tackle fuel poverty in social housing.

We're asking individuals to talk with their local authorities in an effort to encourage them to join the pioneers around the UK and implement community energy schemes.

If you work for a local authority and want to look into developing your own community energy scheme, we want to help you get started. We've listed some of our online resources you might find useful below.

Find out more:

Visit EfficienCity - a virtual, climate-friendly town
All about decentralised energy
Download EfficienCity
Watch our film about decentralised energy
Read our reports about decentralised energy

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