Protect forests

Last edited 4 February 2014 at 3:24pm

The Earth's ancient forests form some of the most diverse ecosystems known to science and are vital in regulating the world's climate. But eighty per cent of them have already been destroyed or degraded, and the remaining forests are under threat. Greenpeace is working to end illegal and destructive logging of the world's ancient forests, and to protect the rights of the indigenous peoples and species that depend on them.

Campaign updates

Cutting Deforestation out of the Palm Oil Supply Chain - Company Scorecard

In recent years, the world’s biggest companies have woken up to the environmental costs associated with palm oil and the other commodities they buy. Nowhere...
Posted by jamie - 3 March, 2016 - 11:11

Tracking trees: How one Amazon Indigenous community is using tech to fight illegal logging

For the Ka’apor people of Brazil, protecting the Amazon rainforest isn’t just about climate change or wildlife. It is about survival. As one community leader...
Posted by Fran G - 11 September, 2015 - 11:19
We did it!

Result: Santander stops financing forest destroyer APRIL

Great news: Santander just pledged to stop financing the paper company APRIL. Santander has agreed that APRIL will get no more money until it stops destroying...
Posted by Richardg - 26 February, 2015 - 11:08
We did it!

Result: Santander stops financing forest destroyer APRIL

Great news: Santander just pledged to stop financing the paper company APRIL. Santander has agreed that APRIL will get no more money until it stops destroying...
Posted by Richardg - 26 February, 2015 - 11:08

UPDATE: Santander admits it's funding forest destruction

We've forced Santander to admit that it's bankrolling the destructive paper company APRIL. But the high street bank says it's 'monitoring the situation' and...
Posted by Richardg - 12 February, 2015 - 16:04

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