Protect forests

Last edited 4 February 2014 at 3:24pm

The Earth's ancient forests form some of the most diverse ecosystems known to science and are vital in regulating the world's climate. But eighty per cent of them have already been destroyed or degraded, and the remaining forests are under threat. Greenpeace is working to end illegal and destructive logging of the world's ancient forests, and to protect the rights of the indigenous peoples and species that depend on them.

Campaign updates

Young oil palm trees in a recently established plantation within IOI's PT BSS co

Time is running out for destructive palm oil company IOI

As Indonesia’s president announces a temporary ban on palm oil development, one of the world’s biggest palm oil traders faces a customer revolt over its...
Posted by Richardg - 22 April, 2016 - 10:32
Common dolphins leaping from the ocean

11 awe-inspiring British wildlife-watching moments from #IntotheWild

We’ve fallen in love with British wildlife all over again this week thanks to the wonderful nature footage on BBC’s Into the Wild.After filming some of the...
Posted by Danielle Boobyer - 16 April, 2016 - 14:02

In Pictures: Damning the Amazon

A report published this week by Greenpeace Brazil shines a spotlight on technology giant Siemens’ involvement in a massive hydropower dam planned for the...
Posted by Angela Glienicke - 13 April, 2016 - 15:54

Brazilian supermarket giant Pão de Açúcar stops buying deforestation beef

Great news: Pão de Açúcar – one of Brazil’s major supermarket chains – has finally agreed to stop stocking beef linked to forest destruction. It's a huge...
Posted by Richardg - 1 April, 2016 - 12:09

Indonesia: Is the world still looking away?

‘Indonesia is burning - so why is the world looking away?’ Late last year those words shone a small spotlight on a massive climate crisis - now it looks like...
Posted by India Thorogood - 30 March, 2016 - 11:40

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