Norwegian export decision update

Last edited 18 January 2001 at 9:00am
whale meat

whale meat

The decision taken by Norway to once again allow the export of whale meat and blubber to Japan has already provoked a strong response from the UK Fisheries Minister Elliot Morley, who in a statement urged Norway to reconsider its decision as a matter of urgency.

The Minister also drew attention to Norway's flouting of international agreements saying,

"The Norwegian decision is in direct contrast to those taken by the Convention on Trade in Endangered Species which insists that great whales remain listed and that no international trade in whale products should be permitted. The Norwegian decision may encourage other countries to take similar action.

"It also runs counter to the wishes of the majority of International Whaling Commission members and serves to undermine the credibility of the the IWC and the moratorium on commercial whaling."

A similar view has also been expressed by Australian Environment Minister, Senator Robert Hill.

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