The Greenpeace 28 go on trial in Norfolk on April 3rd 2000

Last edited 24 March 2000 at 9:00am
Greenpeace activists arrested for removing GM crop

Greenpeace activists arrested for removing GM crop

On April 3 2000, 28 Greenpeace volunteers will go on trial at Norwich Crown Court charged with criminal damage and theft. The charges relate to a Greenpeace action at Lyng, Norfolk, on 26 July 1999, where part of an experimental crop of genetically modified (GM) maize was cut down and sealed in bags as part of a campaign to prevent genetic contamination.

Greenpeace 'Digital will be covering the trial in detail, allowing you to:

  • Read daily court reports
  • Access an extensive library on GM including expert witness evidence from the trial
  • View pictures taken during the action
  • Meet the defendants
  • Find the locations of the GM farm-scale trials
  • Read Greenpeace press releases

Read the GM trial court bulletins:

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