First ever subsidy free offshore wind: Greenpeace response

Last edited 13 April 2017 at 6:38pm
13 April, 2017

Greenpeace response to the first ever subsidy free offshore wind being awarded to DONG Energy for three projects in the German North Sea. 


Hannah Martin, Head of Energy at Greenpeace UK, said:

"The announcement of the first ever subsidy free offshore wind project in Europe is a watershed moment for the world's renewable energy market.

Offshore wind has the potential for huge global growth from the USA to Taiwan as the technology massively improves, costs fall and governments wake up to the economic potential. 

The UK government should take note of other countries who are benefiting from this booming offshore technology and jump on board with both feet while we are still leaders in the field." 



Contact: Alexandra Sedgwick, Greenpeace UK Press Officer, 07773 043 386,

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