Gordon Brown's CBI speech: Greenpeace reaction

Last edited 26 November 2007 at 6:34pm
26 November, 2007

Reacting to Gordon Brown's speech to the CBI this morning, Greenpeace executive director John Sauven said:

"The prime minister last week outlined plans to generate twenty per cent of our energy from renewable sources, now just one week later we are back to the old mantra of nuclear power. Declarations like this threaten to strangle the renewables industry before it can even get close to that 2020 target."

He continued: "Last week Brown's government launched a consultation on Heathrow, then this week he says we have to have airport expansion. You're left wondering if this government is capable of listening to the public. He certainly doesn't seem to be listening to climate scientists"

He added: "It's a welcome change from the past that the CBI now accepts businesses will have to be green to grow in the low carbon economy of the future. But underneath the surface, the big carbon lobby is still working hard to undermine the campaign to slash emissions. While some companies like BT have embraced the future with large investments in renewable energy, others like Ford have failed to meet voluntary fuel efficiency standards while British Airways is lobbying intensively for climate-wrecking airport expansion. "


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