Greenpeace backs government in firm stand on

Last edited 12 September 2000 at 8:00am
12 September, 2000

Commenting on the current controversy surrounding fuel taxation, Stephen Tindale, Greenpeace Policy Director, said:
"Greenpeace agrees with the Government - it is absolutely right not to reduce fuel taxes. Unless we break our addiction to fossil fuels, extreme weather events like the floods in Mozambique will massively increase and the Arctic ice sheet will vanish in forty years. The climate crisis gives us no choice but to reduce our use of petrol and diesel - in fact prices need to rise further in future.

The real question we should ask ourselves is why a quarter of a century after the first oil shock we are still in an oil-induced trance. A hydrogen economy, based on fuel-cells powered by renewable energy, is just around the corner. Instead of campaigning for lower fuel prices, haulage companies should be working with vehicle manufacturers and politicians to speed up this transition."

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