Greenpeace response to Energy Bill 2nd reading

Last edited 19 December 2012 at 5:47pm
19 December, 2012

Responding to today’s second reading of the Energy Bill, Greenpeace Senior Energy Campaigner Louise Hutchins said:

“George Osborne’s fixation with gas is clearly not washing with MPs who want to protect their constituents from rising energy bills.

“Avoiding a growing dependence on gas and international gas price shocks is a no brainer, while cleaning up the power sector will bring new jobs and growth to constituencies across Britain, so it’s no wonder MPs across the spectrum are lining up to support a 2030 decarbonisation goal in the Bill.

“With Labour showing this is a key political fight for them, the Liberal Democrats are going to have a bumpy ride in the Commons and in the court of public opinion if they continue to side with George Osborne.”

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