energy bill

The Energy Omnishambles

Posted by petespeller — 22 May 2012 at 6:02pm - Comments
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A loop hole in the Energy Bill could see the return of coal-fired power stations

The government's flagship attempt to reform where our electricity comes from prioritises expensive gas and nuclear over renewable energy, doesn’t even mention money saving energy efficiency and is so complicated that even the energy utilities don't understand it.

UK energy - where are we at?

Posted by kcumming — 6 December 2013 at 2:16pm - Comments
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What a month for the Big 6! Whether cuts to energy efficiency measures, a green light for unabated coal burning, fracking tax breaks that lock in the UK’s reliance on gas, or the multi-billion pound windfall due to companies like EDF and Centrica from an unchanged carbon floor price, the energy giants have won another round at the expense of ordinary people.

Will MPs cut 1,600 premature deaths from coal?

Posted by kcumming — 2 December 2013 at 2:13pm - Comments
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Almost as many people die each year from coal burning in the UK as road accidents, according to new figures out this week.

The saga of the Energy Bill continues...

Posted by wmccallu — 29 October 2013 at 5:27pm - Comments
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#vote4cleanpower outside the House of Lords

Yesterday I was lucky enough to be in the House of Lords to see the latest instalment of the decarbonisation target saga unfold. This is the target which would see carbon removed from the UK’s electricity system by 2030. It should be in the Energy Bill but isn't, because George Osborne fought to keep it out.

Energy Bill: too close to call

Posted by Richardg — 4 June 2013 at 2:20pm - Comments
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MPs are deciding whether a clean power target should be included in the Energy Bill. Will they back clean renewable power, or a costly, dirty dash for gas?

Energy Bill Briefing 2013

Last edited 30 May 2013 at 11:34am
Publication date: 
30 May, 2013
Download the report:

Offshore wind cheaper than gas by end of decade

Posted by Lawrence Carter — 8 March 2013 at 3:35pm - Comments
Offshore Wind Farm Baltic One
All rights reserved. Credit: Paul Langrock / Zenit / Greenpeace

Imagine a wind turbine so big that it would take Usain Bolt 19.32 seconds to run across the 200m diameter of its blades (before plunging tragically into the sea). This is what wind manufacturer Dong says will help bring the cost of offshore wind down to below that of new gas-fired power stations (the size of the blades, not Bolt’s premature demise).

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