2030 decarb

Five days to win a clean energy future!

Posted by LiamBB — 23 October 2013 at 8:00am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Friends of the Earth
#Vote4CleanPower action at the House of Lords, 15 October 2013

The story of the Energy Bill has been a long uphill struggle, but we’re nearly there! It began with months of delays. Then there was the shock at the draft Bill which lacked any substantial action to address climate change. Eventually hundreds of organisations piled on the pressure that led to the second biggest rebellion this Commons has seen. Now the Bill is at its final stage in House of Lords – and we’re still fighting for a victory that is almost visible on the horizon.

Tory MP tables crucial 2030 decarb amendment to Energy Bill

Last edited 8 February 2013 at 12:51pm
8 February, 2013

Responding to Conservative MP Tim Yeo's amendments to the Energy Bill, which would see carbon removed from the UK’s electricity sector by 2030, Greenpeace Energy Campaigner Leila Deen said:

“George Osborne thought he’d buried the plan to clean up our electricity sector and cleared a path for his dash for gas. That Tim Yeo has tabled these amendments, and is backed by hundreds of businesses, investors and civil society groups, is yet another signal that the Chancellor is out of touch on this issue.

Greenpeace response to Energy Bill 2nd reading

Last edited 19 December 2012 at 5:47pm
19 December, 2012

Responding to today’s second reading of the Energy Bill, Greenpeace Senior Energy Campaigner Louise Hutchins said:

“George Osborne’s fixation with gas is clearly not washing with MPs who want to protect their constituents from rising energy bills.

“Avoiding a growing dependence on gas and international gas price shocks is a no brainer, while cleaning up the power sector will bring new jobs and growth to constituencies across Britain, so it’s no wonder MPs across the spectrum are lining up to support a 2030 decarbonisation goal in the Bill.

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