Greenpeace Response to Osborne's Multi-million Pound Gas Hand-out

Last edited 25 July 2012 at 11:13am
25 July, 2012

Responding to news today that Chancellor George Osborne is set to hand-out half a billion pounds in subsidies to the gas industry, Doug Parr, head of policy at Greenpeace, said:

“Osborne’s going to hand over hundreds of millions of taxpayers’ money to the polluting and pricey gas industry. This is clearly bonkers, for economic and environmental reasons.

“And this is all made worse because clean off-shore wind power, which is a cutting edge industry that could provide thousands of jobs here in the UK, will receive far less backing from Osborne’s Treasury than the dirty gas industry.

“Clegg and Cameron have got to pull their fingers out, show some leadership and get a grip on energy policy. It’s painfully apparent that Osborne is completely unfit for the job.” 


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