
The Energy Omnishambles

Posted by petespeller — 22 May 2012 at 6:02pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
A loop hole in the Energy Bill could see the return of coal-fired power stations

The government's flagship attempt to reform where our electricity comes from prioritises expensive gas and nuclear over renewable energy, doesn’t even mention money saving energy efficiency and is so complicated that even the energy utilities don't understand it.

British Gas Owner Centrica Funding Climate Denial Group Linked to Trump

Last edited 16 December 2016 at 12:38pm
16 December, 2016

The UK’s biggest energy company, Centrica, has donated tens of thousands of dollars to a Texas-based climate denial think tank strongly linked to Donald Trump’s new energy secretary Rick Perry, Energydesk has revealed.

Centrica, which owns British Gas and is a major investor in UK fracking, has made a number of donations to the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) over the last five years and says it has no plans to stop.

8 ideas for how the UK can keep the lights on without trashing the planet

Posted by Richard Casson — 24 November 2015 at 7:36pm - Comments

With the UK set to wean itself off coal power over the next decade, what will take its place to keep the lights on?

Two thirds of Lancashire people want fracking moratorium, poll shows

Last edited 22 December 2014 at 12:01pm

Lancashire voters three times more likely to vote for anti-shale candidates

26 November, 2014

The overwhelming majority of people in Lancashire want a moratorium on fracking until more research is available on the impacts of the controversial industry, with many shale sceptics ready to take their opposition to the ballot box, a new survey shows.

The fresh poll of 500 Lancashire residents released today shows nearly two thirds (63%) are in favour of a fracking ban, with an even stronger majority (69%) saying more time should be allowed for a public debate to take place before planning authorities decide on drilling licences.

Fracking consultation: Greenpeace solicitor's letter

Last edited 12 August 2014 at 2:49pm

Three quarters of UK Cabinet sitting on potential fracking sites

Last edited 28 July 2014 at 11:31am
28 July, 2014

More than three quarters of cabinet ministers’ constituencies and 77 per cent of Tory target seats for the 2015 election campaign have been opened up for fracking in a new round of onshore licensing, new analysis reveals. The licences also cover freshwater aquifers, 10 national parks and even major cities.

As ministers announced today the launch of the 14th onshore licensing round, Greenpeace’s Energydesk published a series of tables and maps highlighting the potential environmental and political impacts of this development (click here for the political analysis, and here for the analysis of national parks and water).

Millions of UK homes in fracking postcode lottery

Last edited 28 July 2014 at 11:08am

Greenpeace respond to 14th licensing round

27 July, 2014

Commenting on reports that the Government will announce the start of the 14th onshore licensing round tomorrow, Greenpeace UK Energy Campaigner Louise Hutchins said:


"The Government has fired the starting gun on a reckless race for shale that could see fracking rigs go up across the British countryside, including in sensitive areas such as those covering major aquifers. Eric Pickles' supposed veto power over drilling in national parks will do nothing to quell the disquiet of fracking opponents across Britain. Ministers waited until the parliamentary recess to make their move, no doubt aware of the political headache this will cause to MPs whose constituencies will be affected.

Fracking the desolate north: despatches from the frontline

Posted by simon clydesdale — 17 July 2014 at 10:21am - Comments
Lancashire County Councillors greeted with anti-fracking message
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Lancashire county councillors greeted with anti-fracking message today

Another fracking application, another town. I’m not sure the ‘Not For Shale roadshow on tour’ t-shirt is ready to compete yet with the One Direction world tour t-shirt. But we’ve already appeared in Chichester, Midhurst, and today is Thursday so it must be sunny Preston.

Drilling the South Downs: a national park at risk from fracking

Posted by simon clydesdale — 26 June 2014 at 12:09pm - Comments

This morning the Not For Shale fracking roadshow rolled into Midhurst at the heart of the glorious South Downs. This is the frontline of a local and national battle for the future of our communities, landscapes and climate.

Shock: 3/4 British people want fracking companies to ask before tunnelling underneath their homes.

Posted by Lawrence Carter — 6 May 2014 at 10:26am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: greenpeace

Last month we found out that the government is cooking up plans to strip homeowners and tenants of their legal right to deny permission to companies that want to frack directly underneath their property. If every English person’s home is their castle, then government ministers are currently digging a tunnel underneath the ramparts to let the frackers in.