Greenpeace supporting Little Cheyne Court wind farm on Romney Marsh

Last edited 2 November 2004 at 9:00am
2 November, 2004

Greenpeace will this week submit a statement to the public inquiry into the Romney Marsh wind farm. The environmental campaign group is supporting the construction of the proposed project by nPower Renewables.

Wind power is essential in shifting power generation to methods that don't emit carbon dioxide, the most important greenhouse gas. The statement quotes the UK government's chief scientist, who has stated that global warming is "the most severe problem we are facing today - more serious even than the threat of terrorism".

Submissions to the inquiry close on Thursday. Last month a Greenpeace protester dressed as a polar bear lobbied Michael Howard outside the inquiry. Mr Howard opposes the wind farm, whereas Greenpeace believes renewable energy is vital to prevent climate change and protect areas such as the Arctic.

Given the urgency of the climate change threat Greenpeace believes that the presumption should always be in favour of development of wind farms unless reliable and specific evidence exists that demonstrates environmental harm. Looking at the evidence Greenpeace has concluded that the risks in terms of bird populations of concern would appear to be negligible. The threat of climate change means that the onus should be very much on those opposed to wind farms to demonstrate some likelihood of harm, rather than the proposers to prove there will be none.

Greenpeace Executive Director Stephen Tindale said:

"Doing nothing about climate change is not an option. We are going to continue to need power to run schools and hospitals. Unless there's a good environmental reason for stopping wind farms we must build them. The people of Bangladesh could have their lives and nation wrecked by climate change. It would be immoral to tell them we couldn't do much because we didn't want to spoil the view."

Polls consistently show that there is considerable public support for wind farms - indeed a large majority of the public would support one in their area.

For full statement/poll details contact Greenpeace on 0207 865 8255.

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