romney marsh

Greenpeace supporting Little Cheyne Court wind farm on Romney Marsh

Last edited 2 November 2004 at 9:00am
2 November, 2004

Greenpeace will this week submit a statement to the public inquiry into the Romney Marsh wind farm. The environmental campaign group is supporting the construction of the proposed project by nPower Renewables.

Wind power is essential in shifting power generation to methods that don't emit carbon dioxide, the most important greenhouse gas. The statement quotes the UK government's chief scientist, who has stated that global warming is "the most severe problem we are facing today - more serious even than the threat of terrorism".

Polar bear confronts Howard as Tory leader gives evidence to wind farm inquiry

Last edited 22 October 2004 at 8:00am
22 October, 2004

Michael Howard was today confronted by a polar bear angry at the opposition leader's attempt to scupper a proposed wind farm in his constituency. The polar bear carried a placard saying 'HOWARD YOU LIKE YOUR HOME TO MELT?' and 'WE NEED THIS WIND FARM'.

Booed by small children, pursued by a polar bear, Howard speaks against local wind farm

Posted by bex — 22 October 2004 at 8:00am - Comments
Polar bear confronts Tory leader Michael Howard

Polar bear confronts Tory leader Michael Howard

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