The Greenpeace Guerrilla Garage is open giving away thousands of litres of free bio-diesel

Last edited 13 November 2000 at 9:00am
13 November, 2000

Greenpeace will be giving away thousands of litres of free green fuel to motorists at our Guerrilla Garage.

The garage is located at:
309 - 313 City Rd, on the corner of City Rd and Remington St (N1), 5 - 10 minutes walk from Angel tube station.

The Greenpeace Guerrilla Garage will be dispensing bio-diesel - a plant-based fuel that is identical to ordinary diesel but only causes a fraction of the damage to the climate. Bio-diesel is widely used in conventional diesel engines in Germany and is guaranteed totally safe for British motorists. Bio-diesel is not commercially available in the UK despite the fact that Britain exports vegetable oil to France for bio-diesel production.

The Greenpeace action will highlight the fact that green fuels like bio-diesel are still discouraged in the UK and taxed at the same rate as ordinary diesel despite being much better for the environment. Greenpeace and the RAC Foundation have already called for a Green Fuel Fund, which would ensure a few pence of the current fuel levy would go to developing and promoting green fuels.

Matthew Spencer, Campaign Manager at Greenpeace, said: "We are giving away free bio-diesel to make the point that we can switch to green fuels right now and make a huge reduction in the environmental impact of motoring. Green fuels like bio-diesel, hydrogen and compressed natural gas need tax breaks and financial support if they are going to succeed. Given the massive devastation caused by climate change and related floods we really don't have much choice."

"The British Government is talking green at the international climate meeting in The Hague but at the same time is cutting the price of oil based petrol and diesel which is wrecking the climate."

For further information please contact Greenpeace Press Office on 0207 865 8255/6/7/8

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