Millions of UK homes in fracking postcode lottery

Last edited 28 July 2014 at 11:08am

Greenpeace respond to 14th licensing round

27 July, 2014

Commenting on reports that the Government will announce the start of the 14th onshore licensing round tomorrow, Greenpeace UK Energy Campaigner Louise Hutchins said:


"The Government has fired the starting gun on a reckless race for shale that could see fracking rigs go up across the British countryside, including in sensitive areas such as those covering major aquifers. Eric Pickles' supposed veto power over drilling in national parks will do nothing to quell the disquiet of fracking opponents across Britain. Ministers waited until the parliamentary recess to make their move, no doubt aware of the political headache this will cause to MPs whose constituencies will be affected.

"First they stripped millions of homeowners of their right to stop companies drilling under their property, now communities across the nation will face a fracking postcode lottery. Even ministers and the industry itself have admitted fracking won't cut bills, but it will damage our countryside while opening up a new source of carbon pollution. The only people who stand to benefit from shale drilling are the bosses of a few inexperienced energy companies, which have yet to prove they can operate safely, while local communities will bear the full brunt of the disruption and potential environmental damage.  

"The government has just confirmed its commitment to cut carbon emissions under the fourth carbon budget. It makes no sense to roll out the red carpet for an industry which will only dig up more fossil fuels than we can safely burn if we are to have a chance of stopping climate change."




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