New Brexit minister David Davis urged to back fair and sustainable fisheries, food and farming

Last edited 14 July 2016 at 4:26pm
14 July, 2016

Greenpeace has joined over 80 organisations to call on David Davis, in his newly-appointed position as Secretary of State for Leaving the European Union, to ensure that fair and environmentally sustainable fishing, food and farming are a central component of the UK’s post-Brexit strategy.

Greenpeace UK’s Executive Director, John Sauven, said:

“Britain is in flux. But in the midst of such uncertainty the Government must come clean about whether it will safeguard environmental protections which have taken decades to develop. From science-led fishing quotas, to the protection of wildlife and habitats and sustainable farming – the Government must commit to not bartering away policies that promote healthier lifestyles, create jobs, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

“The environment barely featured in the referendum campaign, but the impact on nature protection could be profound because so many laws and regulations safeguarding the environment come from the EU. The new government does not have a mandate to gut those regulations. Nobody voted for toxic air and dirty water. Ministers need to commit to keeping our rivers and beaches clean, fighting air pollution and climate change, and ensuring that fishing and food production are sustainable in post-Brexit Britain.”

See the full text of the letter here.

Notes: For further comment and information, please contact the Greenpeace UK press office on or on 020 7865 8255.

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