
European Court slams UK claims of “transparent and objective” distribution of fishing quota

Last edited 1 June 2017 at 3:03pm
1 June, 2017

The European Court of Auditors has contradicted the UK Government’s claims, made in a UK court in November 2015 during a judicial review brought by Greenpeace UK, that its distribution of fishing quota was both transparent and objective.

In 2015, Greenpeace UK took the Government to court on the basis that it was not implementing Article 17 of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), which requires member states to allocate quota according to transparent and objective criteria along environmental, social and economic lines.

New trade protections for sharks - but are they enough?

Posted by Willie — 19 October 2016 at 10:01am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: BBC, Carlos Aguilera
Hoo-RAY! A Mobular ray leaps from the ocean after hearing about the new CITES protection for sharks.

Like it or not, around the world many species of animals are seen as tradeable commodities – for things like food, fur, fashion or medicine. Of course we know that historically hunting animals for commercial gain has often been really bad news for the animals concerned. Just stop and think about some of the most recognisable big land mammals – things like tigers, elephants and rhinos – and it’s pretty evident what trade can do to even well-known beasts, pushing many of them to the very brink of extinction.

The lowdown on UN's SOFIA report: 89.5% of fish are now fully or overfished

Posted by Fiona Nicholls — 23 September 2016 at 4:39pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace

The SOFIA report is a biennial publication that outlines the State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture of the previous two years, hence the name. Commissioned by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (‘for a world without hunger,’ is their tagline), the report is a big deal in the world of fish. It’s considered a check up on the state of the world’s fish stocks and our consumption.

Will George Eustice finally create a fair deal for small-scale fishermen?

Posted by Alix FOSTER VAN... — 15 September 2016 at 4:52pm - Comments
George Eustice signing a Greenpeace petition asking the Government to reallocate
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
George Eustice signing a petition asking the government to create a fair deal for small-scale fishermen.

(Guest blog by Frances Rankin)

Fisheries Minister George Eustice was at the House of Lords yesterday, facing questions on the future of the fishing industry after we leave the EU.

2016 Tuna Guide

Last edited 14 September 2016 at 11:41am

Fisheries minister must seize opportunity to end ‘absurdly unequal’ fishing policy, says Greenpeace

Last edited 13 September 2016 at 5:03pm
13 September, 2016

Tomorrow (Wednesday), Fisheries Minister George Eustice MP will appear before the House of Lords EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee, as part of an inquiry into Brexit and UK fisheries policy.

Commenting ahead of the session, Greenpeace UK oceans campaigner Alix Foster Vander Elst said:

‘It’s no secret that small-scale fishermen have been left cheated and neglected by the current quota system. But while George Eustice has held up leaving the EU as a magic pill to cure the fishing industry, it was his department which gave almost two-thirds of fishing quota to just three companies, leaving small-scale fishermen struggling.

New Brexit minister David Davis urged to back fair and sustainable fisheries, food and farming

Last edited 14 July 2016 at 4:26pm
14 July, 2016

Greenpeace has joined over 80 organisations to call on David Davis, in his newly-appointed position as Secretary of State for Leaving the European Union, to ensure that fair and environmentally sustainable fishing, food and farming are a central component of the UK’s post-Brexit strategy.

Greenpeace UK’s Executive Director, John Sauven, said:

“Britain is in flux. But in the midst of such uncertainty the Government must come clean about whether it will safeguard environmental protections which have taken decades to develop. From science-led fishing quotas, to the protection of wildlife and habitats and sustainable farming – the Government must commit to not bartering away policies that promote healthier lifestyles, create jobs, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Letter to David Davis MP

Last edited 14 July 2016 at 8:01am
Over 80 organisations have signed a letter to David Davies and Theresa May to stress the important implications of Brexit on food and farming.

Letter to David Davis MP

Last edited 14 July 2016 at 7:59am
Over 80 organisations have signed a letter to David Davies and Theresa May to stress the important implications of Brexit on food and farming.

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