New era dawns for UK renewable energy industry

Last edited 4 April 2001 at 8:00am
4 April, 2001

The UK wind industry had a massive boost today when the Crown Estate gave the green light to 18 new offshore wind farms around the coast of England and Wales, with the combined potential to supply one million homes.

The 18 new sites could generate 1,620 MegaWatts of green electricity, which would quadruple the UK's total current wind energy output. They will cut emissions of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, by 4.27 million tonnes each year, and create at least 8,000 jobs in the UK, with the potential to create a further 28,000 jobs if turbine factories are established in Britain.

The UK is one of the windiest countries in Europe. Offshore wind alone could supply all our electricity needs three times over. Wind energy is clean and green - and crucially doesn't threaten the world's climate.

Matthew Spencer, Head of Greenpeace's Climate Campaign, said, "After thirty years of opposing industrial abuse of our seas, Greenpeace can at last welcome a move to exploit the fantastic renewable energy resources off our coastline. After the grim news of Bush's climate climbdown, we finally have some good news for the environment."

"Let's hope this signals a new commitment to developing Britain's renewable energy industry. Britain has always lagged behind other European countries in renewable energy, but now we've got a real hope of being up with the leaders. Today's announcement will show Bush and his oil cronies that Britain is serious about tackling climate change - and about lessening our dependence on fossil fuels."

Notes to Editors:

  • A map showing the locations of the new windfarms is available from the Crown Estate.
  • Photos and footage of offshore wind farms are available from the Greenpeace Press Office: tel. 020 7865 8294.
  • You can download a background briefing on offshore wind by clicking on 'full report' at the top of this page. The file is prepared as a PDF. The briefing covers wind power potential globally and for the UK, industrial and employment opportunities, other countries' plans and targets for wind energy, and obstacles to fulfilling the UK's potential.
  • A square sea area with sides 77 miles long could provide as much electricity as the current UK supply.
  • Greenpeace, with RSPB, WWF, CPRE, The Wildlife Trusts, Friends of the Earth and Green Alliance, jointly called on the Government to adopt a General Election manifesto pledge to allocate £00 million per year to support offshore wind power.
  • Greenpeace launched a major campaign to promote offshore wind power. 'The Wind' a short film by Director Julien Temple, with voiceovers by Rachel Wise and John Hurt, was shown at over a hundred cinemas around the UK as a trailer to Universal's blockbuster Bridget Jones's Diary, which was launched in April.

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