Scientists call for a ban on cod fishing

Last edited 19 October 2004 at 8:00am
19 October, 2004

Greenpeace calls on Government to act on sound scientific advice

Greenpeace today called for Fisheries Minister Ben Bradshaw not to cave in to fishing industry pressure and heed calls from scientists to grant zero quotas for cod fishing next year. The International Council for Exploration of the Sea (ICES) today advised that all cod fishing should be halted in the North Sea, Irish Sea and west of Scotland as stocks are well below recommended levels.

Greenpeace is campaigning for a ban on all cod fishing in the North and Baltic Sea along with the designation of 40 per cent of the North Sea as marine reserves in order to allow other vulnerable species to recover.

Sarah Duthie, Greenpeace oceans campaigner, who has recently returned from a Greenpeace ship investigating the overexploitation of the North Sea said,

"For years scientists have recommended a total ban on cod fishing yet politicians have caved in to industry pressure and set quotas which do nothing to protect the last remaining cod stocks. If people want to have any hope of eating North Sea cod and chips in the future, then it is vital that our politicians listen to this sound scientific advice and ban cod fishing."

"The North Sea used to be one of the most productive seas in the world but now is overfished and polluted. We need a total ban on cod fishing in the North Sea along with large scale marine reserves which are no go to all trawlers in order to give other vulnerable species a chance to thrive again. The only way to allow the North Sea to recover is by making large areas of it off-limits."

Further information
Please contact the Greenpeace Press Office on 0207 865 8255 or Sarah Duthie on 0207 865 8297

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