irish sea

Scientists call for a ban on cod fishing

Last edited 19 October 2004 at 8:00am
19 October, 2004

Greenpeace calls on Government to act on sound scientific advice

Greenpeace today called for Fisheries Minister Ben Bradshaw not to cave in to fishing industry pressure and heed calls from scientists to grant zero quotas for cod fishing next year. The International Council for Exploration of the Sea (ICES) today advised that all cod fishing should be halted in the North Sea, Irish Sea and west of Scotland as stocks are well below recommended levels.

Plutonium ships sail through Irish sea protest flotilla

Last edited 17 September 2002 at 8:00am
17 September, 2002

The Nuclear Free Irish Sea Flotilla has encountered and protested against the two nuclear freighters entering the Irish Sea today, 28 miles off the coast of Ireland, 20 miles off the coast of the UK.

Nuclear Free Irish Sea Flotilla catches up with plutonium ships

Last edited 13 September 2002 at 8:00am
Jim Corr driving a Greenpeace inflatable in the Nu

Jim Corr driving a Greenpeace inflatable in the Nu

A flotilla of small sailboats has caught up with BNFL

Sellafield to release notorious nuclear chemical into Irish sea

Last edited 10 September 2002 at 8:00am
10 September, 2002

Greenpeace today reacted with anger to revelations in the Norwegian press that the Sellafield nuclear plant plans to discharge large amounts of a notorious radioactive substance into the Irish Sea this week (1).

Discharges of Technetium 99 have been hugely controversial, particularly in Norway and Ireland, with contamination from the radioactive chemical found on the coasts of both countries. Lobsters are regularly found off Sellafield with levels of Technetium 99 which breach the levels set by the European Community for intervention following a nuclear accident [2]. It will take between two to three years for this week's releases to reach the Norwegian coast.

Rainbow Warrior supports Nuclear Free Irish Sea Flotilla

Posted by bex — 2 September 2002 at 8:00am - Comments
Nuclear free seas flotilla 2002

Nuclear free seas flotilla 2002

The Rainbow Warrior took its place among The Nuclear Free Irish Sea Flotilla at an official launch in Dublin on Sunday.

Dublin's Lord Mayor, Councillor Dermot Lacey, along with politicians and celebrities unveiled the flotilla, which will sail out into the Irish Sea to peacefully protest against the two nuclear freighters carrying rejected plutonium fuel back from Japan.

Nuclear contaminated seafood

Last edited 31 May 2000 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
22 March, 2007

Publication date: May 2000


Table showing the individual radiation exposures due to consumption of Irish Sea fish and shellfish; 1999.

Download the report:

Nuclear contaminated seafood

Last edited 31 May 2000 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
22 March, 2007

Publication date: May 2000

Table showing the individual radiation exposures due to consumption of Irish Sea fish and shellfish, 1991.

Download the report:

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