Last edited 24 January 2002 at 9:00am
24 January, 2002

Warning: Lee Raymond

He's on the run - armed and dangerous

Greenpeace today issued a Wanted poster for the renowned global warming outlaw Lee Raymond. Hundreds of the pictures have been posted all over London, where he is thought to be in hiding. The global boss of Esso, who is wanted by responsible authorities for blocking efforts to halt climate change, is on the run from the world's biggest environmental movement. He was last spotted leaving 10 Downing Street on Tuesday, but has subsequently disappeared, refusing to answer questions on his part in an audacious plot to bake the planet. It is thought he is still in the UK.Armed with an absurd belief that global warming is not caused by burning oil, coal or gas, Raymond is believed by the scientific community to be dangerous.

He often rides out with his partner George W Bush. Together the two of them are known to be responsible for a number of hold ups, most notably the United States ditching of the Kyoto protocol.

Greenpeace want to question Raymond on his part in the Bush administration's attempts to destroy the protocol - but so far no-one from Esso has been willing to debate the issue in public.

Rob Gueterbock of Greenpeace said today: "This man is a danger to everybody on the planet. Anyone who spots him should challenge his views immediately."

If you've seen this man contact Greenpeace on 0870 010 9510. The reward.... A cooler planet.

Greenpeace is part of the StopEsso campaign, which is calling for a boycott of Esso until the company stops sabotaging international action to tackle global warming.

For more information:
Greenpeace press office on 020 7865 8255

This morning Greenpeace Executive Director Stephen Tindale faxed Lee Raymond at Esso, challenging him to a public debate before he leaves the country. For a copy of the Raymond Rap Sheet, visit www.stopesso.com.

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