lee raymond

Esso tells staff to vote for oil - vote for Bush

Posted by bex — 11 October 2004 at 8:00am - Comments
The President of the Unites States: Esso

The President of the Unites States: Esso

There's nothing nastier than a wounded tiger. Esso is licking its wounds as Russia moves closer to ratifying the Kyoto Protocol. But the world's number one environmental criminal is still fighting tooth and nail to deny the truth about climate change. The US government is increasingly isolated and Esso is out to ensure its workers keep it that way by voting for US politicians who oppose action against global warming.


Last edited 24 January 2002 at 9:00am
24 January, 2002

Warning: Lee Raymond

He's on the run - armed and dangerous

Greenpeace today issued a Wanted poster for the renowned global warming outlaw Lee Raymond. Hundreds of the pictures have been posted all over London, where he is thought to be in hiding.

Blair meets "Darth Vader" of global warming

Last edited 22 January 2002 at 9:00am
22 January, 2002

Meeting Lee Raymond: Downing Street

Greenpeace calls for UK Government to take a position on Esso boycott

Greenpeace can reveal that Tony Blair had a secret meeting today with the head of the company that effectively blocked the Kyoto agreement in America. Lee Raymond, who met the Prime Minister at Downing Street, is the CEO of Exxon-Mobil - known as Esso in the UK. He has done more than anyone else to rubbish efforts to halt climate change.

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