Great myths of the incineration industry

Last edited 9 November 2001 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
30 October, 2001

Emissions from modern incinerators pose no health risk Anyone who says modern incinerators are safe is either misinformed or lying.

Everyone knows the chemicals created and released during incineration process are dangerous. No one knows if the volumes discharged even from the most modern incinerators are safe.

The Environment Agency has conceded that it is "generally accepted that emissions standards are based on what can be measured and what is technically achievable, rather than what is safe" and that "the health effects which result from an incinerator's emissions are not yet fully known".

Environment Minister Michael Meacher admitted in June 1999 that "emissions from incin-erator processes are extremely toxic. Some emissions are carcinogenic We must use every reasonable instrument to eliminate them altogether".

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