Help #SaveTheArctic in your town

Posted by Richard Martin — 4 July 2012 at 12:42pm - Comments

Greenpeace has grabbed headlines with dramatic images of activists boarding Shell’s ships. 100’s of thousands of you have emailed Shell to demand they scrap their Arctic plans, and then you've signed the Arctic scroll – asking world leaders to create a global sanctuary in the Arctic.

However to #SaveTheArctic we’re all going to need to do much more, and I’d like to help you do it.

To find out what else you’d like to do to #SaveTheArctic I asked 35,000 of you to complete an online survey and based on your responses I’ve been emailing out a series of campaign packs to everyone who responded.

The survey is still open so please tell me what else you’d like to do.

The campaign packs are a bit of an experiment, designed for use by anyone. You might be completely new to local campaigning, or you might be part of an existing group, with decades of experience. My plan is to ask you to do what you said you wanted to do, and then to figure out what works, by what you tell me you’ve done.

The first two campaign packs are still available, and the third will be emailed out shortly. If you’d like to receive the new pack, then please complete the survey. If you’d like to try out the first two then you can download them, and help get the #SaveTheArctic message out to people in your local area.

In around 70 cities and towns there are organised groups and networks of Greenpeace supporters who meet regularly and have their own websites. You can find your nearest group / network by entering your postcode here or via the big directory at the bottom of the Getactive page.

In February, local groups and networks helped launch the campaign by leafleting customers at local Shell petrol stations. In May they started to organise larger protests alongside other activities at petrol stations, and in June they took the #SaveTheArctic campaign to the high street and to local fairs and festivals. So if there is a local group or network near you, then there are many other activities you can get involved in – so please get in touch with the local coordinator.

Finally, on Saturday 21st July we would like to invite you to join a legal protest at a local petrol station, organised by a Greenpeace local group / network. There will be more details to follow, but if you’re keen to get involved, please contact your local coordinator now. Oh and make sure you have signed up to the #SaveTheArctic campaign including submitted your postcode – so I can tell you about your local protest.

Thank you for all of your energy and enthusiasm for Greenpeace’s campaign. We won the campaign to protest the Antarctic, we can win the campaign to #SaveTheArctic. We just need lots of you to help us get there.

P.S. f you haven't already signed up to the Arctic scroll please do so now - and then join me at the Arctic Rising. I am the Walrus......

About Richard Martin

I work here at Greenpeace as a digital network developer. 

{need to update this}

And in my spare time I am a Greenpeace activist, an average (but rusty) climber, a reasonable boat driver and an occasional deck hand. I rarely sleep

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