LIVE regional protests at Shell petrol stations

Posted by Richard Martin — 21 September 2012 at 8:50am - Comments

After a huge amount of pressure online and offline, shining a spotlight on Shell’s shoddy drilling operation - Shell has abandoned their plans to drill off Alaskan coast this year. But they and other oil companies have plans to return next year - and we need your help to stop them.

Today Greenpeace supporters and volunteers from across the UK have come together for 13 large regional protests to #TellShell to scrap their Arctic drilling plans for good. Please follow the action:

Back in July Greenpeace volunteers organised a wave of peaceful and legal protests at Shell petrol stations across the UK, and hundreds of people took action to #SaveTheArctic. For many this was their very first protest of any kind and today they’ve come back.

Working together, 60 Greenpeace groups & networks have organised 13 large regional protest events, inviting Greenpeace supporters new and old to #TellShell to scrap their Arctic drilling plans for good.

Follow the action above, share their stories on Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag #TellShell, write about what you’ve seen in your blog, comment below, and if you live close to one of these protests please get down there now.

Finally, if you’ve missed today’s protests then here’s a menu of ways you can get involved. We need your help so please take action today.

  1. Find your nearest group / network on the Greenpeace/active website – email the local coordinator, turn up to the next meeting and offer to help out.
  2. Write a letter to your local newspaper (s) about today’s protests.
  3. Organise a screening of the Frozen Planet for your friends and family.
  4. Claim your own Shell Disloyalty card.
  5. Print off and display a Stop Shell poster in your window.
  6. Complete our survey about what you’d like to do next

Whoever you are, whatever you do, there are lots of ways you can help win the campaign to #SaveTheArctic so please take the first step on your journey today.

About Richard Martin

I work here at Greenpeace as a digital network developer. 

{need to update this}

And in my spare time I am a Greenpeace activist, an average (but rusty) climber, a reasonable boat driver and an occasional deck hand. I rarely sleep

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