Support for welsh wind farm over three times greater than opposition

Posted by bex — 3 November 2003 at 9:00am - Comments
Poll results reveal 3 times as many in favour of wind power

Poll results reveal 3 times as many in favour of wind power

More than three times as many local residents support an offshore windfarm proposal in South Wales than oppose it, according to results of an independent poll carried out by ICM research.

The proposed windfarm will lie at Scarweather Sands - three miles off the coast of Porthcawl in Swansea Bay - and will produce enough electricity to supply 80,000 homes, equivalent to a town the size of Swansea. This wind farm is crucial in setting the precedent for renewable energy. If the public supports this, it could mean more wind farms will get the go-ahead in the future.

Residents were surveyed within three local authority areas, Swansea, Neath/Port Talbot and Bridgend. 54% of respondents said they supported the Scarweather Sands windfarm proposal, while only 14% said they were opposed to the development.

Support for the offshore windfarm was strongest amongst those who lived closest to the coast. 58% of residents living within 3 miles of the coast supported the plans with 14% opposed. The most active public debate about the windfarm has taken place within the Bridgend authority area. Here opinions were slightly stronger with 60% in favour and 16% opposed.

The results of the independent poll represent a huge show of local support for the Scarweather Sands windfarm ahead of a public inquiry, which is taking place at Port Talbot from 4th November 2003. The inquiry is expected to take about four weeks before passing on its decision to the Welsh Assembly. Watch this space for the outcome!

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