Swansea Bay

Renewables in practice: Greenpeace supports offshore wind farm proposal in Swansea Bay

Posted by bex — 22 November 2003 at 9:00am - Comments

A pioneering new wind farm will put South Wales at the forefront of the UK's clean energy future. Scarweather Sands off-shore wind farm will produce enough electricity to meet the needs of 80,000 homes - that's equivalent to a town the size of Swansea.

The developments at Scarweather Sands, off Rest Bay in Porthcawl provide an excellent example of the push towards renewable energy. It's an opportunity to highlight the advantages and dispel some of the myths surrounding the development of this new, clean alternative to fossil fuels.

Support for welsh wind farm over three times greater than opposition

Posted by bex — 3 November 2003 at 9:00am - Comments
Poll results reveal 3 times as many in favour of wind power

Poll results reveal 3 times as many in favour of wind power

More than three times as many local residents support an offshore windfarm proposal in South Wales than oppose it, according to results of an independent poll carried out by ICM research.

Latest update from Swansea Bay

Posted by bex — 25 July 2003 at 8:00am - Comments
Pro-wind public engagement in South Wales

Pro-wind public engagement in South Wales

Throughout August, September and into October 2003, Greenpeace volunteers hit the high streets of South Wales, encouraging those who are in favour of wind power and support the proposed wind farm at Scarweather Sands to speak out and say Yes to Wind in Swansea Bay.

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