Latest update from Swansea Bay

Posted by bex — 25 July 2003 at 8:00am - Comments
Pro-wind public engagement in South Wales

Pro-wind public engagement in South Wales

Throughout August, September and into October 2003, Greenpeace volunteers hit the high streets of South Wales, encouraging those who are in favour of wind power and support the proposed wind farm at Scarweather Sands to speak out and say Yes to Wind in Swansea Bay.

Pictured above, they held letter writing stalls in Porthcawl, Port Talbot, Swansea, Cardiff, Bridgend and Pontypridd. So far volunteers and campaigners have collected around 3,000 letters of support, and over 6000 e-postcards have been sent! Thanks to all those who signed letters and sent e-cards. The tally puts us in a very strong position for the public enquiry which is underway now.

Greenpeace climate campaigner Laura will be presenting evidence at the enquiry, which started on 4th November. It is expected to take about a month, with people giving evidence both for and against the windfarm at Scarweather Sands.

Watch this space for the result!

Tourist Poll

Evidence to be presented at the enquiry includes a poll we conducted over the August bank holiday weekend. We polled tourists in Porthcawl to find out if the windfarm would have a negative effect on tourism, as feared by those opposing the proposals. The results were resoundingly positive - find out more>

3 times as many support the windfarm than oppose it

Not content with our own poll, ICM research have conducted an independent poll of the local area which found support for the wind farm to be three times greater than opposition. This is resounding evidence that the windfarm should go ahead, and will also be presented at the enquiry.

Rainbow Warrior open day in Cardiff

On Sunday 28th September, the Greenpeace flagship the SV Rainbow Warrior docked in Cardiff to represent a massive show of support for the proposed wind farm.

The day was a huge success, with over 500 people taking a tour of the ship, meeting the crew and signing letters of support for the wind farm.


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