Update from Indonesia: Greenpeace climber brought down

Posted by bex — 12 November 2008 at 12:42pm - Comments

A policeman pushes a Greenpeace climber down from the anchor chain of the Gran Couva

A policeman pushes a Greenpeace climber down from the anchor chain of the Gran Couva © Greenpeace/Novis

An update from Indonesia: yesterday, the climber occupying the anchor chain of a ship carrying a cargo of palm oil was brought down, arrested and later released without charge.

Yesterday, we also received the intriguing photo above (later chosen by the BBC for its day in pictures). As it took us in the office a while to get our heads around what was happening, I thought I'd pass on Jamie's explanation:

An attempt was made to lower the anchor chain and deliver our climber into the hands of the police, but he just shifted further up. Finally, one policeman climbed up the chain until he was above our activist, gradually pushing down until his colleagues could cut the climber free. He’s now been taken away by the police but I’m told he’s fine and well.

Updates, as ever, from Jamie on forest4climate.wordpress.com, where he's also posted this video of the events:

Meanwhile, both Treehugger and The Jakarta Post are asking their readers what they think of direct action and protest. Feel free to get involved!

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