All stations go for climate rescue

Posted by bex — 14 November 2008 at 12:24pm - Comments

Greenpeace volunteers worked constantly over several days to build the domed Rescue Station.

As governments prepare for the next round of crucial climate talks this December in Poznan, Poland, we're making a few preparations of our own. Obviously, we'll be at the talks, pressuring governments to quit coal and work towards a meaningful deal to save the climate - but we also have plenty planned for the run up to the talks.

On the edge of a vast open pit coal mine in Konin, Poland, we've set up a Climate Rescue Station - a four storey high earth dome powered by renewable energy - to highlight the true cost of coal in the lead up to the negotiations. People from 15 countries will be staying at the station, telling the story of how coal (the single greatest threat to our climate) is affecting our planet.

On 8 December, a week into the talks, we'll be moving the dome to Poznan town square, for a free concert for the climate, with an orchestra and other top musicians.

You can follow the events and protests on our international climate blog, and let leaders know that the world is watching; it's time to get serious about climate change.

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