
5 things you need to know about the climate talks, COP21

Posted by Fran G — 9 November 2015 at 5:24pm - Comments

1.  What is COP21?

Between 30 November and 11 December 2015 a bunch of politicians and global leaders from over 190 countries will be involved in the United Nations 21st Conference of the Parties (‘COP21′, as it’s known). They’re meeting in Paris to try and agree a global legally binding climate treaty.

UPDATE: Climate negotiations from an American girl in China

Posted by jossc — 11 October 2010 at 1:32pm - Comments

Tcktcktck's Paul Horsman delivers a traditional Chinese stamp to UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres to mark the wall in support of collective action against climate change.

Michelle Meideros writes from Tianjin, where the latest round of climate talks have just ended. She has been living and working in Beijing for 6 months and tells us how her perspective has changed this year.

I haven't been to a climate talk since Copenhagen and not a whole lot has changed inside the negotiations. One thing that has changed is how I see this US/China "I won't, until you will" rhetoric. In the US our government is always pointing its finger at China, now the largest emitter in the world, claiming China is to blame, all the while hiding from its own lack of ambition.

All stations go for climate rescue

Posted by bex — 14 November 2008 at 12:24pm - Comments

Greenpeace volunteers worked constantly over several days to build the domed Rescue Station.

As governments prepare for the next round of crucial climate talks this December in Poznan, Poland, we're making a few preparations of our own. Obviously, we'll be at the talks, pressuring governments to quit coal and work towards a meaningful deal to save the climate - but we also have plenty planned for the run up to the talks.

On the edge of a vast open pit coal mine in Konin, Poland, we've set up a Climate Rescue Station - a four storey high earth dome powered by renewable energy - to highlight the true cost of coal in the lead up to the negotiations. People from 15 countries will be staying at the station, telling the story of how coal (the single greatest threat to our climate) is affecting our planet.

The politics of COP 6

Posted by bex — 19 July 2001 at 8:00am - Comments
dont let us drown

dont let us drown

COP 6, officially known as the 6th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was held in Bonn, Germany, from 16th - 27th July 2001.

The UNFCCC was born at the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992 as a result of growing concerns about climate change. The objective of the UNFCCC is the 'stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system'.

Daily update COP 6

Posted by bex — 16 July 2001 at 8:00am - Comments
international climate talks 2001

international climate talks 2001

Update: 16th July , 2001

The press speculation about Japan's position has become intense, overnight reports that Prime Minister Koizumi had said that Japan would not ratify Kyoto without the US were denied privately by Japanese delegates but in the absence of any public statement we hit hard at the Japanese government in our press briefing this morning, hard enough so that the Japanese delegation had to respond with a press statement of their own.

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