Tuna league table 2008: Marks & Spencer

Last edited 4 August 2008 at 4:35pm

Marks - won't be happy with only 3rd place in our tuna league table


deep green tick The general M&S seafood sustainability framework is excellent, but there is some work to be done on tinned tuna. M&S has committed to 100 percent of wild seafood products coming from independently certified sources by 2012, but changes are needed now for its tinned tuna range.
green tick Some M&S tuna is sourced from pole and line, but much comes from purse seiners with no restriction on the use of Fish Aggregating Devices. However, M&S have initiated a program to review use of FADs in line with their general corporate position on sustainability. We hope this will lead to M&S not accepting any FAD-caught tuna.
green tick Despite long term commitments, by relying on suppliers who are doing little to minimize the impacts of tuna fishing, there is no evidence of M &S demonstrating stock and species selectivity for its own label range of tinned tuna.
amber q M&S' tins always specify the species of tuna, but not the method by which it was caught.
red_x Marine reserves are critical to ensuring the long term viability of tuna and other fish stocks, but M&S has so far failed to express public support for their establishment.


Verdict: With a proud record on sustainable seafood, Marks & Spencer won't be satisfied with third place.

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