marks & spencer

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Tuna league table 2011

Last edited 16 August 2011 at 3:49pm

Find out which tinned tuna is the most environmentally friendly, and which brands are responsible for catching sharks, turtles and possibly even dolphins in their nets.

Tinned Tuna Update

Posted by Willie — 8 June 2009 at 4:42pm - Comments

Update, December 2009: John West introduces new sustainability policy »

Last year we published our tinned tuna league table, ranking the main retailers and brands on the overall sustainability of their canned tuna. Tinned tuna, which is normally skipjack (the most common variety), is a food cupboard staple in the UK, and we are the second biggest consumers in the world, so we can have a massive impact on improving the sustainability of the fishing that fills the tins.

As well as assessing the information given on the tins (some didn’t even tell you what species was inside!) we also evaluated the impact of how the fish were being caught, and the company's overall sourcing policies.

Supermarkets and sustainable seafood

Last edited 12 January 2007 at 5:04pm

How sustainable are the fish your supermarket is selling?

How sustainable are the fish your supermarket is selling?

Soya traders agree moratorium on Amazon deforestation following customer pressure

Last edited 25 July 2006 at 8:00am
25 July, 2006

A Greenpeace campaigner examines a soya field carved out of the Amazon rainforest

A Greenpeace campaigner examines a soya field carved out of the Amazon rainforest

GM on trial

Posted by bex — 31 August 2005 at 8:00am - Comments

Thirteen Greenpeace volunteers go on trial at Cardiff Crown Court on 1 September facing a charge of 'public nuisance'. This charge relates to their part in temporarily stopping a shipment of GM feed off the coast of South Wales last June.

UK retailers trash last habitats of endangered animals

Last edited 9 November 2004 at 9:00am
9 November, 2004

Asda, Marks and Spencer and John Lewis' garden furniture pushing orang-utans towards extinction

GARDEN FURNITURE SOLD by Asda, Marks and Spencer and John Lewis is made from trashed rainforest timber and is responsible for pushing endangered animals such as the orang-utan further towards extinction, according to Greenpeace today (29 May 2004).

Marks & Spencer are to remove PVC from all

Last edited 9 February 2001 at 9:00am

Greenpeace - campaigning against toxic PVC






Greenpeace applauded Marks and Spencer yesterday (8th February) for announcing its intention to remove polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic from all of its products and packaging. The decision was taken in response to growing environmental concerns surrounding the manufacture and disposal of PVC.

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