2014 - hottest year on record

Last edited 16 January 2015 at 6:50pm

Greenpeace response

16 January, 2015

In response to NASA and NOAA announcing that 2014 was the hottest year in the instrumental record, Dr Doug Parr, Chief Scientist at Greenpeace UK, said -

"2014 wasn't just the hottest year on record but also the 38th year in a row with temperatures higher than the 20th century average. The world’s climate scientists, in one of the most carefully compiled and reviewed documents in scientific history, claim that this trend is man-made, and that we’re heading for a 4 or 5 degree increase this century unless we change course. It's time we stopped debating whether climate change is really happening, and focused people's energy, expertise, and ideas on finding the best ways to prevent it."


Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

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