global warming

2014 - hottest year on record

Last edited 16 January 2015 at 6:50pm

Greenpeace response

16 January, 2015

In response to NASA and NOAA announcing that 2014 was the hottest year in the instrumental record, Dr Doug Parr, Chief Scientist at Greenpeace UK, said -

"2014 wasn't just the hottest year on record but also the 38th year in a row with temperatures higher than the 20th century average. The world’s climate scientists, in one of the most carefully compiled and reviewed documents in scientific history, claim that this trend is man-made, and that we’re heading for a 4 or 5 degree increase this century unless we change course. It's time we stopped debating whether climate change is really happening, and focused people's energy, expertise, and ideas on finding the best ways to prevent it."


2011: The Arctic vs Big Oil

Posted by jamess — 6 January 2011 at 1:23pm - Comments
Polar bear crossing the melting sea ice
All rights reserved. Credit: Nick Cobbing / Greenpeace
Polar bear crossing the melting sea ice

Cairn Energy has fired the starting guns on its 2011 Arctic drilling operation.

Their plan is to lug a couple of massive rigs up to the icy waters around Greenland and drill four exploratory holes in the seabed.

October 24th International Day of Climate Action

Posted by jossc — 23 October 2009 at 11:33am - Comments

While our leaders continue to talk about what's "politically possible," the world continues to warm and precious days go by. The latest science shows that runaway global warming is even closer than we feared. We can't continue to allow our leaders to sit back and play political games when our future is at stake.

That’s why on October 24th, Greenpeace is joining with and a broad coalition of groups to participate in an international day of action. Events are already planned in over 100 countries around the world. Some are big, some are small - but every single one of them is absolutely necessary.

Deaths and displacement due to climate change set to grow

Posted by jossc — 5 June 2009 at 3:29pm - Comments

A typhoon wrecks the Philippines coastline in 2008
A typhoon wrecks the Philippines coastline in 2008

News in this week from the first comprehensive study into the impacts of global warming on human society - and it makes uneasy reading.

The headline figures are: 300,000 deaths and 300 million people affected every year, at a cost to the global economy of £125 billion. The report was issued by former UN secretary general Kofi Annan's thinktank, the Global Humanitarian Forum.

Actions not words needed at Poznan

Posted by jossc — 1 December 2008 at 11:54am - Comments

EU leaders - 20 years of broken promises...

On 11 December at Poznan in Poland, our governments will decide Europe's response to climate change for the next 12 years. Unless they agree to at least 30 per cent cuts in European greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, we'll have no chance of keeping global warming below 2°C and avoiding climate catastrophe.

So far there is still an utter lack of any kind of visionary leadership in these talks. There are still governments that repeatedly fail to grasp the urgency of the crisis. That's why we need to make ourselves heard, because the impacts of climate change are racing ahead of the scientific projections.

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