
Destroying the Arctic for a three-year fix

Posted by jamess — 12 May 2011 at 1:52pm - Comments
Oil companies are taking their drills to the Arctic
All rights reserved. Credit: Nick Cobbing / Greenpeace
Oil companies are taking their drills to the Arctic

How much oil lies under that Arctic ice? 90 billion barrels, according to the US Geological Survey.

But, how much really is that? If you ask an oil company, that’s a huge amount. With a barrel of oil over the hundred dollar mark, that's nine trillion dollars worth at today’s prices – if you could get at it all.

However, there’s a much more important number than the mind-boggling figures that the oil companies deal in.

The Arctic: what's at stake

Posted by jamess — 22 April 2011 at 9:19am - Comments
We must protect the Arctic from dangerous deep water oil drilling
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace / Nick Cobbing
We must protect the Arctic from dangerous deep water oil drilling

As our action against Cairn's Arctic-bound oil rig gets underway, there's no better time to remind us all of what's at stake - watch and share these powerful pictures.

Say no to a Deepwater Horizon in UK waters

Posted by jamess — 20 April 2011 at 9:48am - Comments
Oiled Brown Pelicans in Louisiana
All rights reserved. Credit: Daniel Beltrá / Greenpeace
Oiled Brown Pelicans in Louisiana

Not an anniversary to celebrate.

It's been 365 days since BP's negligence, and the arrogance of the wider oil industry, led to the worst oil spill in US history: killing 11 rig workers and unleashing five million tonnes of oil, wrecking the Gulf Coast and killing birds and other wildlife.

The causes behind the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe remain unclear - but still oil companies are desperate to carry out similar drilling in UK waters.

The first time I smelled the oil: remembering the Gulf of Mexico

Posted by jamess — 20 April 2011 at 9:29am - Comments
Heavy crude oil in the wetland grasses on an island in Bay Batiste
All rights reserved. Credit: Kate Davison / Greenpeace
Heavy crude oil in the wetland grasses on an island in Bay Batiste

Gulf Coast local Lamar Billups writes a poignant guest blog, via our US office:

First I would like to thank Greenpeace for allowing me the honor of writing a blog for the one-year anniversary of the BP oil disaster. You are the best, and, on behalf of the millions of people on the gulf, we thank you for the research and help you gave after us this spill.

I remember the first time I smelled the oil: I was at my son’s baseball game. Part way into the game everyone began to smell something like burning tires.

BP AGM Live coverage feed

Posted by jamess — 14 April 2011 at 9:42am - Comments

Today was the first BP Annual General Meeting since the Gulf of Mexico oil spill - where both furious investors and protesters voiced their frustrations at BP's abysmal handling of the disaster. Greenpeace were there - here's our live feed of tweets, news, images and videos from the event at Excel London:

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