
Who's going to defend the Arctic?

Posted by jamess — 18 January 2011 at 5:43pm - Comments
Oil companies are taking their drills to the Arctic
All rights reserved. Credit: Nick Cobbing / Greenpeace
Oil companies are taking their drills to the Arctic

The masters at Marvel comics would struggle to find bad guys worse than these.

Take two of the world’s biggest environmental villains – Russian Rosneft (special powers: oil leaks. 7,526 in 2009 alone) and British BP (special powers: oil spills. Gulf of Mexico, 2010).

Are oil investors using the wrong indicators of value?

Posted by jamess — 17 January 2011 at 2:06pm - Comments
Chopped down Boreal forest near a tar sands mine in Alberta, Canada
All rights reserved. Credit: Jiri Rezak / WWF
Chopped down Boreal forest near a tar sands mine in Alberta, Canada

We've released a report today with partners from Platform and Oil Change International about oil investment and increasingly risky sources of oil. Download the report here (pdf).

Lorne Stockman, from Oil Change International, blogs about the issues covered in the report:

Is a key valuation metric used by analysts to assess oil companies pushing big oil towards riskier and riskier projects?

Why don't you want an oil job?

Posted by jamess — 14 January 2011 at 12:13pm - Comments
The question is: has big oil ever had the brightest minds? (BP boss Hayward in f
All rights reserved. Credit: Daniel Beltrá / Greenpeace
The question is: has big oil ever had the brightest minds? (BP boss Hayward in front of world's worst oil spill)

Want to be this man? Apparently not.

Yesterday someone pointed me to an article on the BBC lamenting the drop in young brains chasing jobs in the dirty oil sector. It seems that having lost the battle for our hearts many moons ago, the oil industry has now officially lost the battle for our minds, too.

2011: The Arctic vs Big Oil

Posted by jamess — 6 January 2011 at 1:23pm - Comments
Polar bear crossing the melting sea ice
All rights reserved. Credit: Nick Cobbing / Greenpeace
Polar bear crossing the melting sea ice

Cairn Energy has fired the starting guns on its 2011 Arctic drilling operation.

Their plan is to lug a couple of massive rigs up to the icy waters around Greenland and drill four exploratory holes in the seabed.

Legal action and Wikileaks trigger beeping Blackberries at BP

Posted by jamess — 16 December 2010 at 12:49pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: fingernageldreck

So the US government is suing BP (along with a bunch of other oil spill sidekicks).  The announcement this morning sent investors running scared and wiping a cool £2.8 billion off BP's share price. Shame the wildlife don't get lawyers.

We take the government to court over oil drilling

Posted by jamess — 12 November 2010 at 2:07pm - Comments

We've taken the government to the High Court in a bid to stop offshore drilling in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon disaster.

Our lawyers filed a claim at the Royal Courts of Justice this morning seeking to stop the issuing of new licences for deep sea drilling until the causes of the Deepwater Horizon explosion have been properly established.

Submarines for a healthy Gulf

Posted by jamie — 19 October 2010 at 1:39pm - Comments

Several weeks after BP announced that the leaking well was firmly capped, the Arctic Sunrise is still in the Gulf assessing the damage caused to marine life and habitats. Oceans campaigner John Hocevar is part of the investigation team and his latest blog is below. More blogs, photos and videos from the Arctic Sunrise's expedition can be found on our US website.

A couple days ago, we advanced the cause of science and conservation by throwing someone else's hundred thousand dollar piece of equipment over the side of the ship.  It sank to the bottom.

Fortunately, this was all part of the plan. The scientists we are working with, Steve Ross and Mike Rhode from University of North Carolina Wilmington and Sandra Brooke from the Marine Conservation Biology Institute and the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, plan to come back next year to retrieve the equipment, called a benthic lander, and use it to learn how deep sea corals are surviving in a rapidly changing and heavily impacted environment.

Oil companies answer to who?

Posted by jamess — 12 October 2010 at 5:55pm - Comments

Now that I'm out of the water, off the Esperanza and back on dry land, I've been thinking about what it takes to stop not just one oil rig but all of them.

There's no dodging the fact that the oil industry is immense. In the North sea, where we confronted Chevron, companies have spent more money on extracting oil in the region than NASA spent putting a man on the moon. In the Gulf of Mexico, where BP's Deepwater Horizon platform exploded this summer, there are over 3,500 other rigs ready to bore away at the seabed.

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