
More cracks appearing in nuclear waste plans

Posted by jamie — 26 August 2008 at 3:41pm - Comments

Some unsettling news appeared in the Independent over the weekend, which revealed that an Environment Agency report has said that containers at Sellafield (where most of the UK's waste is stored) may not be as stable as was thought. The document effectively destroys Britain's already shaky disposal plans just as ministers are preparing an expansion of nuclear power.

Bury it deep under the carpet, along with all of nuclear's other problems

Posted by bex — 28 July 2006 at 8:00am - Comments
A radioactive waste dump in Buryakovka, Russia

A radioactive waste dump in Buryakovka, Russia

CoRWM has recommended that the UK should manage its radioactive waste pile through "deep geological disposal", also known as deep dumping.

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