Gm Crops

Rice is life: traditional farming in China

Posted by jamie — 8 June 2009 at 1:55pm - Comments

In a new photo essay, rice farming in southern China is put under the spotlight to show how traditional methods are still working well without any tinkering from the GM industry.

Potato power peddlers promote organic farming

Posted by jamie — 21 May 2009 at 3:35pm - Comments

Mr Potato Head makes an appearance in Amsterdam

It sounds like something that would have appeared on the late, lamented Eurotrash but giant potatoes have been spotted recently cycling through the Netherlands. However, it isn't an offbeat continental cultural outing, but a reminder to the Dutch public about the importance of organic farming and the perils of GM technology.

Science minister gets the hots for GM food

Posted by jamie — 23 September 2008 at 11:21am - Comments

Government wonks have once again been druming up support for GM food, the latest tub-thumping courtesy of science minister Ian Pearson. He's been saying that if engineered crops can be demonstrated to alleviate hunger around the world, then the great British public will be only too happy to see them being cultivated in our green and pleasant land as well.

EC sounds alarm bells over GM crops

Posted by jossc — 12 May 2008 at 4:12pm - Comments

A GM Maize crop

GM food producers are reeling after new investigations by the European Commission (EC) uncovered problems with three new types of genetically modified crops. The Commission raised concerns over a new type of GM potato and two types of GM maize, all of which had previously been given the green light by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). For the first time, Europe's most senior lawmakers are publicly questioning the safety of GM crops.

EU fudges GM potato vote

Posted by jamie — 19 February 2008 at 1:00pm - Comments

Yesterday, EU farm ministers voted on whether to approve the use of new GM crops including a variety of potato developed by chemical giant BASF. According to Reuters, they failed to reach a consensus which is good in the sense that the proposed crops weren't approved, but bad because the decision will now be passed back to the European Commission. The EC is heavily pro-GM so it's likely that all five crops under consideration will be approved with a nod and a wink.

France bans Monsanto's GM maize

Posted by jamie — 15 January 2008 at 4:28pm - Comments

Sacre bleu. At the end of last week, French president Nicolas Sarkozy took a stand against biotech giant Monsanto and banned a strain of GM maize which has previously been grown by French farmers.

Their MON 810 variety - according to AFP, the only type of GM maize currently being grown in France - has been withdrawn after a committee of scientists, farmers and politicians raised doubts over its continued use. Advocating the precautionary principle, Sarkozy invoked an EU clause to stop Monsanto's maize being grown.

GM crops can help prevent climate change? Shurely shome mishtake

Posted by jamie — 8 January 2008 at 11:25am - Comments

Those pesky biotech companies never give up. After recently spinning the line that GM crops can be used to safeguard food production from the ravages of climate change, their latest wheeze is to try and convince us that GM technology can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Counting the cost of GM contamination

Posted by jamie — 9 November 2007 at 3:13pm - Comments

Indian farmers campaigning against GM rice

Indian farmers campaigning against GM rice near Lucknow earlier this week © Greenpeace

A couple of GM stories have popped up recently over on our international site, one of which requires your help.

GM: back with a vengeance?

Posted by jamie — 17 September 2007 at 11:16am - Comments

As if Monday mornings weren't generally bad enough, the Guardian's headline this morning warns of the "return of GM". Biotech companies and government ministers are preparing to shoehorn GM technologies into UK agriculture, using climate change as an excuse. Their reasoning is that they'll be able to win the public over this time round if they claim that GM crops are needed to keep us fed as the climate becomes less favourable to regular varieties.

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