
In pictures: Tiger! Tiger! Protect these magnificent creatures on their International Day!

Posted by Angela Glienicke — 27 July 2016 at 1:59pm - Comments

Every year on the 29th July the largest members of the cat family have their special day which raises awareness and celebrates these iconic animals. It’s estimated that fewer than 4,000 tigers are left in the wild with almost 93% of their historic range being lost.<--break->

Greenpeace in pictures: the response to Copenhagen

Posted by jossc — 21 December 2009 at 12:16pm - Comments

Two years have passed since world leaders promised all of us a deal to stop climate change. After two weeks of UN negotiations, politicians breezed in, had dinner with the Queen and then failed to deliver any meaningful action on climate change.

As we all try to come to terms with the historic failure of nerve and vision that paralysed the Copenhagen climate summit, the response of Greenpeace members around the world has been fast and focused: expressing their condemnation of world leaders unwilling or unable to lead in a time of crisis, and demanding the release of the four Greenpeace activists who face spending Christmas in jail after making a peaceful protest at the Danish Queen's dinner for Heads of State.


Climate Injustice - A night vigil is held outside Vestre Fængsel  prison

Over 100 Greenpeace staff and supporters held a candle-lit vigil outside Vestre Fængsel prison, Copenhagen, where four of our activists face spending Christmas in jail - held in isolation and without trial. Three of them took part in the peaceful protest at the Danish Queen's Heads of State dinner during the Copenhagen Climate Summit.

New wallpapers: sunbathing polar bears and melting glaciers

Posted by jossc — 7 August 2009 at 11:04am - Comments

More breathtaking images just in from Nick Cobbing, aboard the Arctic Sunrise in Greenland, where the crew are working with leading climate scientists to monitor the break-up of the Petermann Glacier.

Glaciers and ice bridges: images from the Greenland ice sheet

Posted by jamie — 15 July 2009 at 2:37pm - Comments

The Arctic Sunrise is still in Greenland where the crew (including leading climate scientists and other ice experts) have been monitoring the ongoing disintegration of the Petermann glacier.

Photographer Nick Cobbing is on board, and we've all been oohing and aahing over his stunning images as they come in to the office. They're all the more poignant as the portion of the glacier they depict may soon cease to exist. 

You can view a larger version of this slideshow, and follow updates from the Arctic Sunrise on the Climate Rescue blog.

Glastonbury: scenes from the field

Posted by jamie — 30 June 2009 at 5:42pm - Comments

There are a lot of tired but very happy (not to mention sun-kissed) people around the office today. Those who manned the Greenpeace field at Glastonbury are reappearing and they have such tales to tell. (I would have asked one of them to write this update, but they're all worn out.)

May 2009 - the month in pictures

Posted by jossc — 12 June 2009 at 4:36pm - Comments

May's round up of images from around the Greenpeace world come from as far afield as Australia, where activists shut down a giant digger at the most polluting power station in the developed world; India, where we've been installing solar panels in schools; and Thailand, where volunteers canoed 350km to document the toxic damage being done to the Chao Praya, the country's most iconic river.

Rice is life: traditional farming in China

Posted by jamie — 8 June 2009 at 1:55pm - Comments

In a new photo essay, rice farming in southern China is put under the spotlight to show how traditional methods are still working well without any tinkering from the GM industry.

April 2009 - the month in pictures

Posted by jossc — 1 May 2009 at 5:16pm - Comments

Stunning images of climate change protests from North and South America, Europe and Asia make up the core of this month's contributions. It's been a busy time for reminding governments what they should already know by now - that we have to wean ourselves of climate-wrecking fossil fuels as soon as possible, and the business as usual is not an option.

March 2009 - the Month in pictures

Posted by jossc — 3 April 2009 at 11:03am - Comments

Greenpeace China projects a climate change message in Beijing

Greenpeace China projects a climate change message onto Yong Ding Gate: Beijing, March 23 2009

The latest monthly slideshow of Greenpeace activities around the world has just been published, and it's been a busy time. Lots of action around climate change, as you'd expect, with big events in the US and Brazil, and a symbolic projection onto the Yong Ding gate in Beijing, China. 

Photos from the Amazon win international award

Posted by jamie — 3 March 2009 at 5:37pm - Comments

A section of rainforest surrounded by eucalyptus plantations in the Amazon

Eucalyptus plantations surround an area of rainforest in the Amazon: one of Daniel's winning images ©Greenpeace/Beltrá

Photographs illustrating the environmental problems we're facing provide one of the most powerful tools we have for our campaign work. Whether it's an image of the beauty that still remains or one of the havoc we humans so often create, sometimes one photo really can explain it all.

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