
Consumers say, 'We don't want GM food'; EU says, 'What, not even in organic food?'

Posted by jamie — 14 June 2007 at 1:12pm - Comments

Organic vegetablesA bizarre decision has been made by the EU to increase the maximum limit of GM material allowed in organic food, and effectively legitimise widespread GM contamination.

You might be alarmed to think that any GM ingredients end up in organic food, and you're right to be so. The previous maximum limit of 0.1 per cent was set simply because that was the lowest level that food could accurately be tested for GM contamination.

The new limit is 0.9 per cent, the same that applies to non-organic food, and while this might not sound like much, it does now mean that organic food can be polluted with much greater quantities of GM material before it has to be labelled with a warning. If organic food is tested and found to contain 0.8% GM contamination, it will be labeled as ‘GM free'.

This makes absolutely no sense. The success of organic foods has come about precisely because we trust them not to contain toxic chemicals and GM produce. As our campaigner Ben Ayliffe pointed out in the Independent, the shelves are groaning with organic food because it's what shoppers want, while GM food is conspicuous by its absence for the opposite reason.

For the EU to say it supports organic farming while increasing the level of contamination it can contain smacks of double standards. Do we see the lobbying fingerprints of the monolithic biotech companies all over this? I'll leave you to make up your own mind.

World's largest rice company bans GM-contaminated imports from US

Posted by jamie — 2 October 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

A selection of different rice varieties

Just weeks after we uncovered US rice on supermarket shelves across Europe, including the UK, containing illegal genetically modified (GM) rice, the scandal continues to grow with more illegal GM rice being discovered. In the latest blow for the GM industry, the world's largest rice processing company has stopped importing US rice into Europe due to the threat of contamination.

World's largest rice company bans GM-contaminated imports from US

Posted by jamie — 2 October 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

A selection of different rice varieties

Just weeks after we uncovered US rice on supermarket shelves across Europe, including the UK, containing illegal genetically modified (GM) rice, the scandal continues to grow with more illegal GM rice being discovered. In the latest blow for the GM industry, the world's largest rice processing company has stopped importing US rice into Europe due to the threat of contamination.

Food Standards Authority faces legal action over GM rice in UK supermarkets

Posted by jamie — 18 September 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

The rice contamination scandal continues to grow but the Food Standards Agency isn't enforcing the law

It never rains but it pours, and the scandal of US rice contaminated with an illegal genetically modified (GM) variety shows no signs of slowing down. In the latest twist, Friends of the Earth has indicated it intends to launch legal proceedings against the Food Standards Authority (FSA) after finding contaminated rice on sale in UK supermarkets.

Food Standards Authority faces legal action over GM rice in UK supermarkets

Posted by jamie — 18 September 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

The rice contamination scandal continues to grow but the Food Standards Agency isn't enforcing the law

It never rains but it pours, and the scandal of US rice contaminated with an illegal genetically modified (GM) variety shows no signs of slowing down. In the latest twist, Friends of the Earth has indicated it intends to launch legal proceedings against the Food Standards Authority (FSA) after finding contaminated rice on sale in UK supermarkets.

One fifth of US rice contaminated with illegal GM strain

Posted by jamie — 14 September 2006 at 8:00am - Comments
'Genetic engineering - hands off', the label says on a plate of rice contaminated with an illegal GM variety

'Genetic engineering - hands off', the label says on a plate of rice contaminated with an illegal GM variety

Up to one fifth of rice entering the EU is contaminated with an illegal genetically modified (GM) strain from the US. Those are the findings of the European Commission's own investigation into EU rice imports, following the admission in August by the US government that untested strains of GM rice had entered the food chain.

One fifth of US rice contaminated with illegal GM strain

Posted by jamie — 14 September 2006 at 8:00am - Comments
'Genetic engineering - hands off', the label says on a plate of rice contaminated with an illegal GM variety

'Genetic engineering - hands off', the label says on a plate of rice contaminated with an illegal GM variety

Up to one fifth of rice entering the EU is contaminated with an illegal genetically modified (GM) strain from the US. Those are the findings of the European Commission's own investigation into EU rice imports, following the admission in August by the US government that untested strains of GM rice had entered the food chain.

GM rice contamination reaches the UK

Posted by jamie — 5 September 2006 at 8:00am - Comments
Greenpeace has discovered illegal GM (Genetically Modified) rice from China has contaminated food products brought in the UK.

Greenpeace has discovered illegal GM (Genetically Modified) rice from China has contaminated food products brought in the UK.

Illegal, genetically modified (GM) rice - unapproved for human consumption and containing a toxin that may cause allergic reactions in humans - has been found in food products in the UK, Germany and France.

GM rice contamination reaches the UK

Posted by jamie — 5 September 2006 at 8:00am - Comments
Greenpeace has discovered illegal GM (Genetically Modified) rice from China has contaminated food products brought in the UK.

Greenpeace has discovered illegal GM (Genetically Modified) rice from China has contaminated food products brought in the UK.

Illegal, genetically modified (GM) rice - unapproved for human consumption and containing a toxin that may cause allergic reactions in humans - has been found in food products in the UK, Germany and France.

GM on trial

Posted by bex — 31 August 2005 at 8:00am - Comments

Thirteen Greenpeace volunteers go on trial at Cardiff Crown Court on 1 September facing a charge of 'public nuisance'. This charge relates to their part in temporarily stopping a shipment of GM feed off the coast of South Wales last June.

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