
And the award for threatening planet Earth goes to...

Posted by jamie — 12 January 2012 at 6:03pm - Comments
Darth Vader present Ivan Hodac of Acea with an award for threatening planet Eart
All rights reserved. Credit: Tim Dirvan/Greenpeace
Darth Vader present Ivan Hodac of Acea with an award for threatening planet Earth

Another bit of fun from the Brussels motor show today: an award presented by Lord Vader himself for jeopordising the future of our planet.

Together with a squad of stormtroopers, Darth Vader interrupted a speech given by Ivan Hodac, general secretary of the car industry lobbying body Acea. The dark lord presented Hodac with a gong for his achievements in blocking propressive car efficiency legislation in Europe.

Listen to Darth Vader's speech below and tremble with fear.

Car lobby split on reducing emissions

Posted by jamie — 2 December 2011 at 4:22pm - Comments

The phalanx of stormtroopers we sent to the hush-hush car lobby meeting today have certainly had an effect. Even though it seems we were expected, their presence created a disturbance in the Force for the car industry bosses who had to walk past them, although for some it was all too much.

Stormtroopers expose car lobby get-together

Posted by sara_a — 2 December 2011 at 9:09am - Comments

Today the Dark Side has come to Brussels, where the world’s biggest car companies are gathering for a shadowy meeting where they will decide whether to block a key European climate law to clean up our engines.

Why cars can't be greener: top 6 myths from car makers

Posted by jamie — 2 December 2011 at 9:00am - Comments
Stormtroopers outside Acea car lobbying meeting in Brussels
All rights reserved. Credit: Philip Reynaers/Greenpeace
Stormtroopers outside Acea car lobbying meeting in Brussels

Despite claims that they are eco-friendly, car makers are notorious for getting in the way of regulations that will bring down CO2 emissions from their vehicles. They've spread myths about how reduction targets will affect their business, but time and again they've been proven wrong.

EU consultations made easy: making your views on reducing CO2 emissions heard

Last edited 2 December 2011 at 9:03am

The consultation on reducing CO2 emissions from vehicles looks daunting, but actually it's all multiple-choice questions. However it's really important to get as many people as possible saying how important it is to bring emissions down to counteract the lobbying efforts from VW and other car makers.

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