Ban Ki Moon

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

UK climate activists block 1,500-tonne coal train as major summit begins

Last edited 23 September 2014 at 3:18pm
23 September, 2014

Fifty climate change activists have stopped and occupied a freight train delivering 1,500 tonnes of coal to one of Britain’s most polluting power stations, as David Cameron prepares to speak at a high-profile climate summit in New York today.

The activists used industry-standard emergency signals to flag down the 400-metre-long coal train as it was slowing down along rail sidings leading to Cottam power station in Nottinghamshire. The main coal supply route to the plant, which is run by French energy giant EDF, has now been cut off.  

Dozens of fully-trained Greenpeace activists have climbed onto the open coal wagons, and have started unloading the train’s climate-damaging cargo. They are carrying enough food and water supplies to occupy the train for the duration of today’s climate summit.

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