Chris Huhne

The one bank we really should be saving

Posted by jamess — 17 December 2010 at 11:17am - Comments

HBOS? Bailed. Lloyds TSB? Done. RBS? I'll get my chequebook. Green Investment Bank? Erm, no thanks.

The only bailing being done by today's government is on its green promises, and one stands out bigger than the rest: the commitment to establish a Green Investment Bank.

Carbon dating the decision makers

Posted by bex — 2 March 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

David Cameron talks to Stop Climate Chaos supporters

Hundreds of Stop Climate Chaos supporters came together on March 1st to 'carbon date' some of the UK's leading MPs.

They weren't trying to guess the ages of these venerable decision makers; they were borrowing the 'speed dating' format to tell MPs what they thought the government should do about climate change.

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