Stop Climate Chaos

Dear George Osborne, #greenisworking! Love, everyone.

Posted by Richardg — 18 October 2012 at 5:24pm - Comments
Green Is Working event at the treasury
All rights reserved. Credit: Clive Mear / Tearfund
Deborah Meaden joins Stop Climate Chaos Coalition and supporters outside the Treasury to tell the government #GreenIsWorking

Yesterday, I joined 249 other people from green businesses, development charities, trades associations, green groups and the Women's Institute outside the Treasury. We'd come to tell the government that the green economy is working.

Here comes the Wave...

Posted by jamie — 3 December 2009 at 3:09pm - Comments

Only a few days remain before the Copenhagen climate jamboree begins. Delegates, lobbyists, activists and observers are already congregating in the Danish capital to well and truly chew the fat and I'm heading off myself tomorrow afternoon. Keep an eye on this blog for ongoing updates - it's going to be interesting to say the least.

But that does mean I'll miss the sight of thousands of people sweeping through the streets of London this Saturday 5 December when they take part in the Wave. Part of an ongoing series of actions and protests around the world, it will demonstrate how many people want to see our government play its part in delivering a safe climate future for us all.

Help Stop Climate Chaos to recharge the media

Posted by jossc — 1 December 2008 at 1:31pm - Comments

Stop Climate Chaos logo Do you feel the media sometimes misses the point? Wish it was getting the urgency of climate change?

As you may know, Greenpeace is a member of Stop Climate Chaos (SCC), the umbrella group of organisations working together to limit the worst effects of climate change. If, like us, you think the media could use some 'recharging' on the climate debate, join in to create a big debate in the media this December. Get the letters pages, opinion columns and airwaves buzzing with your views on climate change and the UK's energy choices.

Get your voice heard. Inspire others. Help shape the public agenda.

I Count ends but the work goes on...

Posted by jossc — 21 November 2008 at 1:26pm - Comments

I-Count logoAt the end of 2006 Greenpeace joined other environmental and campaigning groups to push for government action on climate change - under the name of the I Count campaign. At the time, the reality of global warming was only just being accepted by mainstream politicians, but through Stop Climate Chaos' I Count campaign thousands of us lobbied our MPs and helped to persuade many of them that the situation was serious and that genuine action was needed. Last month the positive results of all that effort were seen when a much beefed-up Climate Bill was passed by Parliament.

All of us who took part in I Count can be proud of our contribution to three major victories in the climate change debate, which have now been incorporated into the Bill.

Brown urged to cancel new coal power plants

Posted by jossc — 22 July 2008 at 3:31pm - Comments

Stop Climate Chaos say no to new coal

Stop Climate Chaos activists were at Kingsnorth in Kent this morning to urge the Prime Minister to abandon plans for a new generation of coal-fired power plants. They planted flags outside the existing power station as a symbol of opposition to Kingsnorth 2, a new development which, if it gets the go-ahead, will be the first new coal plant to be built in the UK for 30 years.

Developer E.ON UK plans to demolish the existing plant and replace it with a new coal-fired unit that is 20 per cent cleaner. But coal is the dirtiest, most carbon-intensive fuel known to mankind, and despite the industry's efforts to talk up 'clean coal' technologies like carbon capture and storage (CCS), such developments are in their infancy and would not be available for at least a decade, even if they can be made to work.

Over 70,000 people count at Glastonbury 2007

Posted by jossc — 25 June 2007 at 12:57pm - Comments

Supporting I Count at Glastonbury 2007

A huge number of festival goers signalled their commitment to action on climate change at this year's Glastonbury. Besides listening to their favourite bands and battling with the traditional wet and muddy weather, over 70,000 new supporters signed up to the UK's I Count campaign to stop climate chaos.

Carbon dating the decision makers

Posted by bex — 2 March 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

David Cameron talks to Stop Climate Chaos supporters

Hundreds of Stop Climate Chaos supporters came together on March 1st to 'carbon date' some of the UK's leading MPs.

They weren't trying to guess the ages of these venerable decision makers; they were borrowing the 'speed dating' format to tell MPs what they thought the government should do about climate change.

Coming together to Stop Climate Chaos

Posted by bex — 1 September 2005 at 6:02pm - Comments

Volunteers' bodies spell out "STOP CLIMATE CHAOS" under the London Eye

Climate change is the greatest challenge facing the planet. If we are to reduce climate damaging emissions and halt climate change, we will need an unprecedented group of people pressuring governments, businesses and our own communities to Stop Climate Chaos.

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