classic films

And the winner of the 2011 Greenpeace film competition is...

Posted by Richardg — 23 November 2011 at 12:37pm - Comments

...Johannes Laidler and Andreas Borlinghaus for Pretending!

Last night film makers from across Europe gathered at the Curzon Soho in central London, with one question on their minds: who had won the Greenpeace Film Competition?

Last chance to vote in our Volkswagen film competition

Posted by Richardg — 8 November 2011 at 1:50pm - Comments
Our international film competition launches on 17 September 2011
by. Credit: Greenpeace
Last chance to vote...

Have you voted in our film competition yet?

We challenged film makers to turn their cameras on Volkwsagen and expose its dirty lobbying. Volkswagen says it wants to be the most eco-friendly car manufacturer, but it's spending millions lobbying against climate laws.

Voting now open in our VW film competition!

Posted by Richardg — 17 October 2011 at 4:15pm - Comments
Our international film competition launches on 17 September 2011
by. Credit: Greenpeace
Help us choose the best films - vote now!

Volkswagen claims to be an eco-friendly company, but in reality it's lobbying against the laws we need to stop climate change and make cars more efficient.

Last month, we challenged film makers from around the world to help us expose the real VW. We gave people just two weeks to write, shoot and edit their films, but it didn't stop us getting some truly amazing - and hilarious - entries. 

Head over to the film competition website and vote for your favourites!

VW film competition: classic films – What Does Your Car Say About You?

Posted by Richardg — 7 September 2011 at 10:48am - Comments
Our international film competition launches on 17 September 2011
by. Credit: Greenpeace
Win £5,000 to make our next campaign film

Two weeks to go before we challenge filmmakers to turn the cameras on Volkswagen. We're kicking off with a launch event at 10am, 17 September at the Curzon Soho. If you're in the neighbourhood, drop in, collect your competition briefing and have a chat to us about the campaign and the competition.

VW film competition: classic Greenpeace films - A Time Comes

Posted by Richardg — 30 August 2011 at 1:51pm - Comments
The Greenpeace activists who closed down Kingsnorth coal-fired power station
All rights reserved. Credit: Will Rose / Greenpeace
Watch this classic film about our action against Kingsnorth coal power station

In just under three weeks we'll be rolling out the red carpets and challenging film makers to turn the cameras on Volkswagen. If you're in London, why not join us at the Curzon Soho at 10am, Saturday 17 September for the launch?

VW film competition: classic Greenpeace films - Ancient Forests

Posted by Richardg — 12 August 2011 at 11:07am - Comments

This September, we're running a film competition. We need your help to turn the cameras on Volkswagen and expose their dirty lobbying against laws to reduce our carbon emissions in Europe.

In the past, Greenpeace has worked with some amazing film makers, and they’ve made really creative films to support our campaigns. So each week between now and the start of the competition, we’ll be digging through our archives and showcasing some of the best.

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