Climate Change

No oil in the Arctic for Cairn, but hazardous chemicals aplenty

Posted by bex — 29 September 2011 at 10:50am - Comments
The Arctic Sunrise and the Esperanza intercept Cairn Energy's controversial Arct
All rights reserved. Credit: © Jiri Rezac / Greenpeace
Greenpeace's Arctic Sunrise and Esperanza intercepting Cairn Energy's controversial Arctic rig

Yesterday brought the news that yet another Cairn well off Greenland - the sixth so far - has come up dry. The Delta-1 well will be plugged and abandoned and Cairn now has to pin its hopes for this year's drilling season on two remaining wells.

VW film competition launched!

Posted by Richardg — 19 September 2011 at 10:52am - Comments
Our international film competition launches on 17 September 2011
by. Credit: Greenpeace
We've launched our film competition, the clock starts now!

As part of our ongoing campaign to turn Volkswagen away from the Dark Side, we've launched a film competition. You've got two weeks to make fake VW adverts which turn its marketing on its head.

VW are protesting against us!

Posted by jamess — 15 September 2011 at 2:42pm - Comments
Our banner at Frankfurt Motor Show and VW's counter protest!
by. Credit: Greenpeace
Our banner at Frankfurt Motor Show and VW's counter protest!

You'd struggle to make this up.

Moments ago, our activists dropped a huge banner at the Frankfurt motor show - the biggest in the world - to highlight VW's hypocrisy over its environmental policy (more info here).

Then something spectacular happened.

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