Daily Mail

The cure for syphilis is… malaria

Posted by Graham Thompson — 16 April 2014 at 1:13pm - Comments
by. Credit: Jamie Harley
Do NOT google image search for 'syphilis'

The main headlines from the newly reformed and repentant Telegraph and Mail on the latest IPCC report (AR5 working group 3, on mitigation) were –

Fracking can be part of the solution to global warming, say UN climate change experts

Fracking can help to slow global warming admit UN scientists... and so can nuclear power

So what exactly did the new report (IPCC AR5 WG3 SPM) say about fracking? You’ll never guess.

Changing light bulbs doesn't please everyone

Posted by jamie — 6 January 2009 at 6:10pm - Comments

So we start to wave a fond farewell to the incandescent light - since its first demonstration in the 19th Century it has served us well, but the brutal march of progress has made it obsolete since the development of CFLs over 30 years ago. Even though the current depletion of 150W, 100W and 75W bulbs being reported in the press is only part of a voluntary agreement (no sensible efficiency standards here), there's a binding EU agreement (of sorts) on the way and the days of the filament bulb are numbered.

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